Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself." - Andre Breton

Friday, January 30, 2009


Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

From - The Princess Bride

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Food for thought:

All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again.
 --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I love this quote!  Definitely easier said than done, however.

And this one too:
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.  --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
Carry on!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The First Monday of the New Year

This has got to be the most Mondayish Monday of the year!  The cookies have been eaten.  The decorations are down and the kids are back to school!  

Here's a quote that popped up today.  I hate to admit it, but it is so me!  I'm HAPPY when I encounter validation for not being happy.  Crumbs, this is a crazy world after all! 

Happiness is always a by-product. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness. - Robertson Davies

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year

2008, yeah, you were OK.  I mean, thanks for the memories and the opportunities.  There was some pretty good stuff along the way.  And some bits I know we would both rather forget!  So, let's keep in touch...I'll send you an email sometime.. or something...

2009, I'm onto you, buster!  I know you've got good stuff to offer, but I'm gonna have to shake you down to get it!  Anyway, it's just business you know, nothing personal.  I'm sure we'll be friends in the end.

Happy New Year to All!

About Me

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cleveland, ohio, United States
"We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror." - Marshall McLuhan