Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

painting to 'photograph'

Lithuanian architect and photographer Tadao Cern created this video showing how he transformed Vincent Van Gogh's painted self portrait into what it might have looked like as a photo.  Very cool.

[optional image description]


Monday, January 7, 2013

me-cation in nyc

Off i went to the big apple to visit friends; taking an ultra rare me-cation.  Here I am reflected in Laurie Simmon's 'Walking House' at MOMA.
 Stopped at Grand Central Station
Walked for hours, just because...
 hung around Times Square
 the view from my hotel
 saw stuff you don't see everyday... in Cleveland, anyway
 sad batman... forever
 monster games?
 free hug guy and Mr. Liberty...?
 'money makes me move'... true that

Perfect weather, perfect weekend!  Thanks Kim, Pam and families for a wonderful time!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

fauna for a new year

Dr. Ameisenhaufen's photographs of fauna were 'discovered' by the conceptual artist Joan Fontcuberta and collaborator Pere Formiguere.  Joan Fontcuberta is an artist whose work questions assumptions of truth in photography.  Learning about this curious collection of fauna and Joan Fontcuberta represents the start of a great new year to me.... I'm excited that I have the capacity to be floored by the amazing things that I still have to see and discover for myself.   Said Hamlet to Horatio ( 1.5.166-7 )"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."  Hamlet, you are talking to me and I'm glad of it.  Happy 2013 


About Me

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cleveland, ohio, United States
"We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror." - Marshall McLuhan